Let's find your texture type
If you've started your curly hair journey and done some preliminary research we know you know about the ‘numbers’ but we are here to say—permission to leave it behind. Don't be defined by a label! We’ve included them here to help you understand, but honestly we’d prefer you are driven by experimentation, and seeing what works for you.
You can have more than one or even two curl types on one head, so we say don't be confined and set your curls free! Of course, we have some guidance along the way. Scroll down the page to see what hair type or types you identify with and try the routine. You have permission to mix it up because like all things Crown Curly you do you!
Our routines come straight from the source.
Have fun beautiful- love Helen x
Type 2A: Fine Waves
Plot twist! We have a shampoo that's good for waves and curls. Use our Shampoo once a week for a really deep clean. Then use our Hair Cleanser as a conditioner in your regular way. You can refresh another time that week with our Hair Cleanser and scrunch into hair, followed by a mix of Hydrating Curl Gel and Light Curl Crème, squish into hair. Use your diffuser a little, then leave to dry naturally.
If you have our Conditioner, you can use it as a treatment once a week/month depending on chemical processes in your hair. Highly processed hair is higher porosity, so you need more conditioning products as it soaks it all up. But never use too many styling products. Always rinse everything out of this hair type, it's too fine to leave anything in and will leave you weighed down!
Use our Protein Treatment once a month to add strength, shape and structure!

Type 2B: Well defined waves
Use our Shampoo once a week, then use a small amount of Crown Curly Hair Cleanser to squish in all over, at this stage you can add Crown Curly Conditioner to ends then squish squish squish! Rinse half of this juicy combo out, then add the Hydrating Curl Gel and Light Curl Crème... and a little climate control gel for extra hold,
Diffuse a little or up to half dry to take out moisture that weighs hair down, unless you wish to have flatter hair, then leave to dry naturally.
Note—Highly processed is higher porosity, this means you need more conditioning products as it soaks it up, but never too much styling products! Use the Protein Treatment once a month to add strength, shape and structure!

Type 2C: Voluminous waves
Use Crown Curly Hair Cleanser and our Conditioner once a week. Depending on chemical processes, you can leave 1/2 to 3/4 of the conditioner in your hair. Highly processed hair is higher porosity, so you need more conditioning products as it soaks it all up. But never too much styling product.
Note— this type of hair is naturally low porosity, so a little more product is good, but still not too much. Squish in some Climate Control Gel for extra strong hold on super wet hair, then scrunch dry either with a hairnet or try adding all hair to diffuser, heavy hair needs cupping. Once dry add a little of our Hair Oil to scrunch hair out, ruffle the roots for expansion.
Once a month try doing a lovely hair masque to moisturise your beautiful curls.You can use our Shampoo once a month or not at all. This type of hair doesn’t normally do protein, but sometimes it surprisingly does!
For curly/very curly hair, shampoo once a month or not at all, depending on your needs & feels.

Type 3A: Loose curls
Once to twice a week, use Crown Curly Hair Cleanser and rinse out completely. Use our Conditioner to scrunch into hair, rinse out ½ to ¾ depending on chemical processes in your hair. Follow it up with a mix of the Hydrating Curl Gel and Light Curl Crème, squish into hair. Diffuse a little then leave to dry naturally.
Permission to play around— highly processed hair is higher porosity, this means you need more conditioning products as it soaks it up, but never too much styling product.Try a couple of drops of our hair oil to give extra shine.
Use our Protein Treatment once or twice month to add strength, shape and structure!
Use the Crown Curly Shampoo once a month or not at all, depending on your needs and feels.

Type 3B: Tight curls
Use Crown Curly Hair Cleanser once a week, completely rinse it out.Then use our Conditioner all over and squish squish squish, Rinse ¼ to ½ out, depending on chemical processes in your hair.
Highly processed hair is higher porosity, so you need more conditioning products as it soaks it all up. But never too much styling product.Add our Hydrating Curl Gel and the Light Curl Crème. Diffuse a little or up to half dry to take out moisture that weighs hair down, unless you wish to have flatter hair, then leave to dry naturally.
Add a little hair oil to scrunch out the crunch or on days that need a pick me up.
Once a month use our Protein Treatment or Hair Masque to add strength, moisture, shape and structure!
Use the Crown Curly Shampoo once a month or not at all, depending on your needs and feels.

Type 3C: Thick spiral curls
Once to twice a week use Crown Curly Hair Cleanser to wash your hair, rinse out completely, use the Conditioner and scrunch into hair, rinse out ½ depending on chemical processes in your hair.
Highly processed hair is higher porosity, so you need more conditioning products as it soaks it all up.
But never too much styling products.Follow with a mix of our Hydrating Curl Gel and Hair Oil squish into hair, and diffuse a little then leave to dry naturally.
If you have Conditioner use as a treatment once a week/month depending on chemical processes in your hair. Once a month use our hair masque to add moisture.
Use our Shampoo once a month or not at all, depending on your needs and feels.

Type 4B: Thick tight coils
Once a week, use Crown Curly Hair Cleanser and rinse out completely.
Use our Hair masque by scrunching and squishing into hair, leave it all in or rinse out part, after squishing as your hair loves moisture.
Follow up with our Hair oil and Hydrating Curl Gel. Squish into hair, then pop a turban on and leave for 20 to 30 min.
You can either leave to dry naturally or diffuse to half dry then leave to dry naturally.

Type 4C: Extremely tight coils
Once a week use Crown Curly Hair Cleanser and rinse out completely.
Use our Hair masque to scrunch into hair, leave it all in and add a little Hair oil, after squishing, then follow with the Hydrating Curl Gel or Climate Control gel squished well into hair.
Pop on a turban and leave for 20 to 30 min. You can either leave to dry naturally or to add a little volume, diffuse to half dry then leave to dry naturally.